True wireless earbuds that deliver some of what they promise at a price so low you may not care.
If you ask ten people on the street what they think of Enacfire, chances are none of them are going to know what you are talking about. But in the era of new audio brands sporting great features at bargain basement prices, it’s entirely possible that doesn’t matter one bit.
Indeed, unless you’re trying to front with those super stylish $300+ true wireless earbuds from the likes of Sennheiser, Bose, Bang & Olufsen, or Apple an under $50 pair of Bluetooth 5 true wireless earbuds is a sight for sore wallets.
Even so, and despite the sheer volume of product Enacfire sells on Amazon and other e-commerce channels, the E18s warrant more investigation. Does anything – other than the price of course – make the Enacfire E18s worthy of consideration? As it turns out, there are some benefits to going cheap, but you may be better off spending a bit more to get a more robust pair of true wireless earbuds.
Enacfire E18 Features Fact Check
Amazon top seller listings for Enacfire’s E18 model include a few claims that don’t hold up. One of my pet peeves with true wireless earbuds of late is inflating or outright lying about battery life. This is accomplished with a few sneaky tactics.
Manufacturers will often quote the total battery life of the earbuds and charging case, or quote battery life of two earbuds when used separately (only one ear at a time). This effectively doubles, triples, or multiplies many times the real battery life of the earbuds.
Enacfire and their sellers on Amazon are guilty of the former, substituting case battery life for uninterrupted usable time, the stat customers really want to know. The 15 hour playtime is more like 2 hours before the earbuds need to be recharged in their charging case.
Adding to the misrepresentation is name dropping the fabled Bluetooth 5 chipset. While Bluetooth 5 technology from Qualcomm and Realtek chips are lightyears ahead of older Bluetooth tech, Enacfire uses a cheaper generic chipset to deliver signal and wireless functionality. The result is that while Enacfire can technically claim Bluetooth 5, you aren’t getting many – if any – of the benefits of this new technology.

Conclusion: You get what you pay for with Enacfire E18s
While Enacfire triggered us with shady marketing tactics and inflated stats, they are selling a product that is cheap relative to other true wireless earbuds, and that can be a positive if you don’t particularly care about sound quality or battery life.
As true wireless earbuds become the norm, expect the cheaper segment of the market to expand as consumers seek pricing below that of the bigger players. That said, buyer beware. The Enacfire E18s may satisfy a casual listener, but won’t do for anybody that wants any semblance of a quality audio experience.