Tech giant Apple ends collaboration with hardware partner due to labor conflicts.

Apple Terminates Partnership with Pegatron Due to Labor Violation

Apple has halted its collaboration with the Taiwanese manufacturer Pegatron temporarily after uncovering multiple violations related to student labor at Pegatron’s facilities in China.

Quick Read

  • Apple halts collaboration with Pegatron over labor law breaches.
  • Pegatron breached Apple’s Code of Conduct by incorrectly categorizing student interns, compelling them to work extra hours and night shifts, and giving them assignments that were unrelated to their fields of study.
  • Pegatron attempted to conceal its infractions using falsified documents.
  • Apple found these violations while reviewing its student work programs in the area.
  • Pegatron has previously encountered criticism regarding its labor practices.

Violation Details

The Shanghai-based news outlet, The Paper, was the initial source to disclose that Pegatron was breaching Apple’s Code of Conduct. Students were compelled to work night shifts and put in extra hours, and were assigned jobs unrelated to their fields of study. Furthermore, it was found that the supervisor overseeing the student work program at Pegatron had falsified documents to cover up these breaches.

Apple’s Response

During an assessment of its student work programs in the area, Apple discovered these violations. Although Apple did not reveal how many students were impacted, it confirmed that there was no proof of forced or child labor at the sites. Pegatron has been put on probation by Apple until necessary corrections are made. The students affected by the issue have been compensated for their additional hours worked.

Pegatron’s Response

Pegatron has terminated the manager implicated in the cover-up and withdrawn the impacted students from its production lines. This isn’t the first instance where Pegatron has been scrutinized for its labor practices. In both 2013 and 2015, China Labor Watch revealed that Pegatron was undercompensating its interns and imposing extended working hours on them.


Apple has temporarily halted its collaboration with Pegatron following labor violations at Pegatron’s facilities in China. The decision followed the discovery that Pegatron was breaching Apple’s Code of Conduct by misclassifying student interns and assigning them unsuitable tasks. Pegatron attempted to conceal these infractions, resulting in the suspension of its partnership with Apple.

Q & A

Q: What is Pegatron?
Pegatron, a manufacturing company based in Taiwan, serves as a major supplier for Apple products such as iPhones, MacBooks, and iPads.

What violations did Pegatron commit?
It was discovered that Pegatron breached Apple’s Code of Conduct by improperly classifying student interns, compelling them to work extra hours and night shifts, and allocating work not related to their fields of study.

Q: How have Apple and Pegatron responded to these breaches?
Apple has put Pegatron on probation until corrective measures are implemented. In response, Pegatron has terminated the manager responsible for the cover-up and has taken the affected students off the production lines.

Q: Has Pegatron been previously criticized for its labor practices?
Certainly! Here is the reworded text:

A: Indeed, in both 2013 and 2015, China Labor Watch revealed that Pegatron was not paying its interns adequately and was making them work extended hours.
